Suraj Natural Farm is nothing more than a natural place of 25 acres, untouched by the human misunderstanding of modern developmental agricultural abuses- especially of the last 20 years. it's a space of 'life development' and 'co-existence' of all types of flora, fauna, micro-organisms and soil, in a holistic way. Here we always 'try to do nothing'. it is a inspiration from Fukuoka's 'Do Nothing Farming' .
so we apply : - no cultivation - no fertilizers ( not even organic ) - no pesticides - no weeding - no irrigation and - mix cropping ( 5-6 crops together ). That's how we have broken all unnecessary beliefs of farming except sowing and harvesting , and creating an atmosphere of relation , again with trees , crops , weeds , insects , microbes , and soil -which we lost in individualistic- based chemical farming. |
Rajendra Singh Rathore